Trunked Frequency Banks Fairfield South & Windham 866.7125, 867.2000, 867.5875, 868.2000, 868.7500 Fairfield North 866.2750, 866.6375, 867.1375, 867.7000, 868.3125 Litchfield South 855.7875, 856.4875, 857.4875, 858.4875, 859.7625 Litchfield North 866.1375, 866.6125, 866.8625, 867.2250, 868.6125 Tolland 866.2125, 866.4375, 867.2625, 867.6500, 868.9125 New London 866.1125, 866.8250, 867.1625, 867.6250, 868.3375 New Haven & Middlesex 866.3000, 866.7500, 867.0750, 868.1625, 868.5625 Kent/Sharon 855.2125, 857.2375, 859.9375 Zone 11 866.4125, 867.6500 Bristol 858.7625, 859.4875, 860.4875 Emergency Restoration Vehicle 868.9375, 868.9500, 868.9625, 868.9750, 868.9875
CSP Radio Channels & Talkgroups 1 A-DISP 48 Troop A Dispatch 2 A-CAR 80 Troop A Car to Car 3 B-DISP 816 Troop B Dispatch 4 B-CAR 848 Troop B Car to Car 5 G-DISP 4816 Troop G Dispatch 6 G-CAR 4848 Troop G Car to Car 7 L-DISP 8016 Troop L Dispatch 8 L-CAR 8048 Troop L Car to Car 9 WD-COM 17808 Western District Common 10 W-TRAF1 17648 Western District Traffic 1 11 W-TRAF2 17680 Western District Traffic 2 12 WD-ADM 17712 Western District Administration 13 WD-SEC Western District Secure 14 WD-MCU 17776 Western District Major Crime 15 WD-RGNL 17840 Western District Regional 16 xxxxxx xxxxx 17 F-DISP 4016 Troop F Dispatch 18 F-CAR 4048 Troop F Car to Car 19 H-DISP 5616 Troop H Dispatch 20 H-CAR 5648 Troop H Car to Car 21 I-DISP 6416 Troop I Dispatch 22 I-CAR 6448 Troop I Car to Car 23 W-DISP 8816 Troop W Dispatch 24 W-CAR 8848 Troop W Car to Car 25 C-COM 19408 Central District Common 26 C-TRAF1 19248 Central District Traffic 1 27 C-TRAF2 19280 Central District Traffic 2 28 CD-AD 19312 Central District Administration 29 CD-SEC Central District Secure 30 CD-MCU 19376 Central District Major Crime 31 CD-RGNL 19568 Central District Regional 32 xxxxxx xxxxx 33 C-DISP 1616 Troop C Dispatch 34 C-CAR 1648 Troop C Car to Car 35 D-DISP 2416 Troop D Dispatch 36 D-CAR 2448 Troop D Car to Car 37 E-DISP 3216 Troop E Dispatch 38 E-CAR 3248 Troop E Car to Car 39 K-DISP 7216 Troop K Dispatch 40 K-CAR 7248 Troop K Car to Car 41 E-COM 21008 Eastern District Common 42 E-TRAF1 20848 Eastern District Traffic 1 43 E-TRAF2 20880 Eastern District Traffic 2 44 ED-AD 20912 Eastern District Administration 45 ED-SEC Eastern District Secure 46 ED-MCU 20976 Eastern District Major Crime 47 ED-RGNL 21040 Eastern District Regional 48 xxxxxx xxxxx 49 SWCOM-1 16016 Statewide Common One 50 SWCOM-2 16048 Statewide Common Two 51 SWCOM-3 16080 Statewide Common Three 52 ICALL-R xxxxx Interagency Calling Repeater 821/866.0125 (156.7) 53 ICALL-S xxxxx Interagency Calling Simplex 866.0125 (156.7) 54 ITAC1-R xxxxx Interagency Tactical 1 Repeater 821/866.5125 (156.7) 55 ITAC1-S xxxxx Interagency Tactical 1 Simplex 866.5125 (156.7) 56 ITAC2-R xxxxx Interagency Tactical 2 Repeater 822/867.0125 (156.7) 57 ITAC2-S xxxxx Interagency Tactical 2 Simplex 867.0125 (156.7) 58 ITAC3-R xxxxx Interagency Tactical 3 Repeater 822/867.5125 (156.7) 59 ITAC3-S xxxxx Interagency Tactical 3 Simplex 867.5125 (156.7) 60 ITAC4-R xxxxx Interagency Tactical 4 Repeater 823/868.0125 (156.7) 61 ITAC4-S xxxxx Interagency Tactical 4 Simplex 868.0125 (156.7) 62 RAFS-1 xxxxx Hartford County East 806/851.1625 (114.8) 63 RAFS-2 xxxxx Hartford County West 807/852.9125 (114.8) 64 GOVSEC 32816? Governor Security 65 LP/A1R xxxxx low power analog Ch 1 R 823/868.9375 66 LP/A1S xxxxx low power analog Ch 1 868.9375 67 LP/A2R xxxxx low power analog Ch 2 R 823/868.9500 68 LP/A2S xxxxx low power analog Ch 2 868.9500 69 LP/A3R xxxxx low power analog Ch 3 R 823/868.9625 70 LP/A3S xxxxx low power analog Ch 3 868.9625 71 LP/A4R xxxxx low power analog Ch 4 R 823/868.9750 72 LP/A4S xxxxx low power analog Ch 4 868.9750 73 LP/A5R xxxxx low power analog Ch 5 R 823/868.9875 74 LP/A5S xxxxx low power analog Ch 5 868.9875 75 PATCH1 32496 Crosspatch 1 (other agencies) 76 PATCH2 32528 Crosspatch 2 (other agencies) 77 PATCH3 32560 Crosspatch 3 (other agencies) 78 PATCH4 32272 Crosspatch 4 (other agencies) 79 PATCH5 Crosspatch 5 (other agencies) 80 DYNGRP ????? Dynamic Regroup used by NCC 81 ERV1-A 48048 Emergency Restoration Vehicle 82 ERV1-B 48080 Emergency Restoration Vehicle 83 ERV1-C 48112 Emergency Restoration Vehicle 84 ERV1-D 48144 Emergency Restoration Vehicle 85 ERV1-E 48176 Emergency Restoration Vehicle 86 ERV2-A 48208 Emergency Restoration Vehicle 87 ERV2-B 48240 Emergency Restoration Vehicle 88 ERV2-C 48272 Emergency Restoration Vehicle 89 ERV2-D 48304 Emergency Restoration Vehicle 90 ERV2-E 48336 Emergency Restoration Vehicle 91 TA-DISP 32304 Training Academy Dispatch 92 TA-CAR 32336 Training Academy Car to Car 93 CAS-1 32112? Casino Unit 1 94 CAS-2 32144? Casino Unit 2 95 SPAN 32848 State Police Access Node 96 xxxxxx 97 LP/D1R xxxxx low power digital Ch 1 R 823/868.9375 98 LP/D1S xxxxx low power digital Ch 1 868.9375 99 LP/D2R xxxxx low power digital Ch 2 R 823/868.95 100 LP/D2S xxxxx low power digital Ch 2 868.95 101 LP/D3R xxxxx low power digital Ch 3 R 823/868.9625 102 LP/D3S xxxxx low power digital Ch 3 868.9625 103 LP/D4R xxxxx low power digital Ch 4 R 823/868.975 104 LP/D4S xxxxx low power digital Ch 4 868.975 105 LP/D5R xxxxx low power digital Ch 5 R 823/868.9875 106 LP/D5S xxxxx low power digital Ch 5 868.9875 107 xxxxxx xxxxx 108 xxxxxx xxxxx 109 SW-1 32432 Statewide 1 110 SW-2 32464 Statewide 2 111 xxxxxx xxxxx 112 xxxxxx xxxxx 113 BCI-1 32592 Bureau of Criminal Investigation 114 BCI-2 32624 Bureau of Criminal Investigation 115 BCI-S Bureau of Criminal Investigation 116 SNTF-1 32048 Statewide Narcotics Taskforce 117 SNTF-2 32080 Statewide Narcotics Taskforce 118 SNTF-S Statewide Narcotics Taskforce 119 ESU-1 32368 Emergency Services Unit 1 120 ESU-2 32400 Emergency Services Unit 2 121 ESU-S Emergency Services Unit Secure 122 DFEBS 32240 Div of Fire Emerg and Bldg Service 123 CTS 32176 Connecticut Telecom Sevices 124 ADM Administration 125 ADM-S Administration Secure 126 S-ATY 19216? State's Attorney 127 SW-3 65456 Statewide 3 128 SW-4 65488 Statewide 4 16432 Western District? 20816 Prisoner Transport 32016 Intertroop (Statewide)
A. Priority Signals
Code A - Emergency Code B - Sensitive Information
Signal 1 Dept-Wide Mobilization Signal T-1 Test Alert Signal 2 Emergency Operational Plans 3 State Capital 4 Govenors Residence 5 Priority Use of Radio Channel 6 Priority Use of Tactical Channel 7 Commisioner's Residence
B. Motor Vehicle Signals 10 Accident 11 Fatal Accident 12 M/V Violation 13 Intoxicated M/V Operator 14 Disabled Motorist 15 M/V Data Request 16 Stolen M/V Check Only 17 Suspension Check Only
C. Criminal Activity Signals 20 Missing or Wanted Person Check 21 Sexual Offenses 22 Stolen M/V 23 Alarm 23A Active Alarm 23B Active Alarm-No Response 23C False Alarm-Proper Response 24 Bomb Threat 25 Escape 26 Hostage
D. Procedural Signals 31 Out of Service 32 In Service 33 Call Troop by Phone/Any Phone Calls? 34 What is Your Location? 35 Return to Troop 36 Transport Passengers 37 Transport Prisoner 38 Transport Package 39 Radio Test Call 40 Repeat Transmission 41 Check Radio Tower 42 Radioactive Material Found 43 Intoxicated Person 44 Untimely Death 45 Missing Person 46 Fires 47 Bank Check 48 Blood Relay 49 Midnight Shift Check 50 Voluntary Response
File Codes used on the COLLECT (Connecticut On-Line Law Enforcement Computer Terminal) system. Dispatch centers use COLLECT to run motor vehicle checks, warrant checks, etc. This system is also connected to NLETS (National Law Enforcement Terminal System) and III (Interstate Identification Index) and is used to run checks out of state.
File 01...Stolen Vehicle File 02...Reg & License check File 04...Hit & Run File 05...Wanted Person File 06...Missing Person File 07...Gun/Article/Security (Query and Enter) File 09...Lost Property File 11...Stolen Plate File 13...General Police Info (Free Text Messages) File 15...Request for Info (PD to PD) File 16...Missing Plates File 17...Supervised Person (Parole/Probation) File 19...Registered Sex Offender File 20...Judicial Order (Protective/Restraining) File 24...Attempt To Locate SPRC...State Police Record Check MIR2...DMV suspension query MVOP..DMV driver history check
Fairfield H 004 Avon A 009 Bethel G 015 Bridgeport A 018 Brookfield A 034 Danbury G 035 Darien G 046 Easton G 051 Fairfield G 057 Greenwich G 085 Monroe G 090 New Canaan A 091 New Fairfield A 097 Newtown G 103 Norwalk A 117 Redding A 118 Ridgefield I 126 Shelton A 127 Sherman G 135 Stamford G 138 Stratford G 144 Trumbull G 157 Weston G 158 Westport G 161 Wilton
Hartford H 007 Berlin H 011 Bloomfield L 017 Bristol L 020 Burlington L 023 Canton H 040 East Granby H 043 East Hartford H 047 East Windsor H 049 Enfield H 052 Farmington H 054 Glastonbury H 056 Granby H 064 Hartford B 065 Hartland H 077 Manchester K 079 Marlborough H 089 New Britain H 094 Newington H 110 Plainville H 119 Rocky Hill H 128 Simsbury H 132 South Windsor H 131 Southington H 139 Suffield H 155 West Hartford H 159 Wethersfield H 164 Windsor H 165 Windsor Locks
Litchfield B 005 Barkhamsted L 010 Bethlehem A 016 Bridgewater B 021 Canaan B 029 Colebrook B 031 Cornwall B 055 Goshen L 066 Harwinton L 068 Kent L 074 Litchfield L 087 Morris B 092 New Hartford A 096 New Milford B 098 Norfolk B 100 North Canaan L 111 Plymouth A 120 Roxbury B 122 Salisbury B 125 Sharon L 140 Thomaston B 143 Torrington L 149 Warren L 150 Washington L 153 Watertown B 162 Winchester L 168 Woodbury
Middlesex F 026 Chester F 027 Clinton H 033 Cromwell F 036 Deep River F 038 Durham K 041 East Haddam K 042 East Hampton F 050 Essex F 061 Haddam F 070 Killingworth F 082 Middlefield F 083 Middletown F 106 Old Saybrook K 113 Portland F 154 Westbrook
New Haven I 002 Ansonia I 006 Beacon Falls I 008 Bethany G 014 Branford I 025 Cheshire I 037 Derby G 044 East Haven F 060 Guilford I 062 Hamden F 076 Madison I 080 Meriden A 081 Middlebury G 084 Milford I 088 Naugatuck G 093 New Haven F 099 North Branford I 101 North Haven G 107 Orange A 108 Oxford I 115 Prospect I 124 Seymour A 130 Southbury I 148 Wallingford A 151 Waterbury G 156 West Haven A 166 Wolcott I 167 Woodbridge
New London K 013 Bozrah K 028 Colchester E 045 East Lyme K 053 Franklin E 058 Griswold E 059 Groton K 071 Lebanon E 072 Ledyard E 073 Lisbon F 075 Lyme E 086 Montville E 095 New London E 102 North Stonington E 104 Norwich F 105 Old Lyme E 114 Preston K 121 Salem E 133 Sprague E 137 Stonington E 147 Voluntown E 152 Waterford
Tolland K 001 Andover K 012 Bolton K 030 Columbia C 032 Coventry C 048 Ellington K 067 Hebron C 078 Mansfield C 129 Somers C 134 Stafford C 142 Tolland C 145 Union C 146 Vernon C 160 Willington
Windham C 003 Ashford D 019 Brooklyn D 022 Canterbury D 024 Chaplin D 039 Eastford D 063 Hampton D 069 Killingly D 109 Plainfield D 112 Pomfret D 116 Putnam D 123 Scotland D 136 Sterling D 141 Thompson K 163 Windham D 169 Woodstock